7 Tips to Elevate Your Client Experience

I'm Taylor

 In my free time, I love to podcast, lift heavy weights, build my excessive collection of sneakers and stilettos that I will certainly wear to the grocery store, and daydream of a Restoration Hardware-inspired home where toddlers and white couches can coexist peacefully.

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Your weekly conversation where I share truths, get down and dirty with entrepreneurship, and encourage you to start discovering your best self. 

Contrary to popular belief: the online business space isn’t crowded. If anything, the online business space is an untapped market of potential right now. As our b2c and b2b spaces are rapidly changing to accommodate the new world of content, influencers, and #nopants Zoom meetings, our business models are changing right along with it. Customers are no longer doing a quick Google search and hiring the #1 ranked pro. They’re actually doing more research and more comparing than ever before handing out their dollar bills. 

According to Forbes, American consumers will pay 17% more to purchase from a company with a reputation for great service. And with that number, Customer-centric companies are 60% more profitable than companies that don’t focus on customers. So… what does that stat mean for your business? It means your dream clients are paying now and they’re paying well for the businesses that provide a top-notch customer experience. 

Here’s the hard truth: you can be a top expert in your industry, but if your client experience doesn’t match the product you’re selling you’re losing out on major profitability, scalability, and retention. Your customer experience and client journey go hand-in-hand, and it’s your responsibility to discover how you can serve your clients with intention. 

Here’s the soft truth: Serving your clients and taking them on a 5-star customer journey doesn’t have to be complicated. In fact, creating a customer-centric brand doesn’t mean we have to throw away the whole business; small changes in your daily operations can create a massive impact on the longevity and customer loyalty of your brand. 

Implement one or implement them all and watch how easily your client’s awareness and devotion to your brand increases with these 7 Tips to Elevate Your Client Experience. 

1. Send a Welcome Gift

Who doesn’t like gifts? Whether it’s something as small as a $5 Starbucks gift card delivered to their inbox or (my go-to) a custom-gifted BoxFox, going this extra mile to show client appreciation is a game changer, especially if they just dropped big bucks on your service/product. 

2. Host a Kickoff Meeting

This is for you, service providers! A kickoff meeting takes the onboarding process 10x further. If you’re providing a hefty DFY service or even a personal, 1:1 service, the Kickoff Meeting gives you the opportunity to set the tone and onboard with maximum efficiency. We love seeing Kickoff Meetings used to meet the team, tackle big visions, project management, and goal-setting, or simply to establish client boundaries/expectations.

3. Reward Clients for Referrals

Here’s the tea, if your clients are already referring you they’re going to keep referring you, but rewarding them for your referrals displays your appreciation, not only for their business but for the business they continue to drive to you. Gift cards, discounts, or affiliate programs are all sweet ideas!

4. Send Custom Proposals

Custom proposals are two-fold because they benefit you and the prospect. Have you ever been on the receiving end of a custom proposal? You feel seen, your problems feel heard, and the extra level of professionalism seeps luxury from your brand. 

5. Provide 1:1 Voxer Support

Coaches, consultants, and 1:1 service providers: is client communication an essential part of your brand? Consider adding 1:1 support via Voxer, Marco Polo, or another messaging app to your high-level client services. A clear, direct line of communication with your clients leaves less room for error and more room for open dialogue.

6. Send Quarterly Feedback Reviews

Give your customers an opportunity to critique. It doesn’t always feel good to open up the discussion on what you may have done wrong or how you can improve, but your client will know their care and satisfaction are your top prioritiess. 

7. Hype Up Their Life Events (birthdays, marriage, babies, etc)

At the end of the day, your customers are people. And more than that, they’re the hero of their story and their life. So make it about them. Celebrate their wins, hype them up, and be more than a business. 

Let’s start putting our customers at the center of our business and let the perfect content strategy or launch plan take a backseat. I promise your customers will notice, and so will your profit. Looking for ways to implement ASAP? Spice up your client communication and add a pop of professionalism to your onboarding experience with our FREE Welcome Email template. Grab it here!

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