Business mentorship,
Taylor-made for your needs.

 Ramp up confidence in your offerings. Move the needle forward in your business. Increase efficiency in your business’s backend—all with the help of a friend. 

"You gave me the boost I needed to actually feel confident in my experience and what I'm offering. If it wasn't for this mentorship, I would still be trying to figure it all out!”

– JENNA LEIGH, operations manager FOR WEDDING PROS

Don’t leave room for a blank stare when it comes to business. Make it seamless.

Welcome to business mentorship, where you have an experienced professional guide you in areas to grow and excel.

You might be a new business owner who wants help building for the future and accountability to see it through. 

Perhaps you’ve been in business for a couple years, but feel your income and offers are stagnating

When the overwhelm hits, procrastination and endless googling can often leave the best of us in a tired slump. The alternative? Kickstarting your success with 1:1 support from a business peer who totally gets it all.

Lean in a little if you…

Second guess your offerings

Deep down, you know you’re the shit.
But how to package and present your genius? It needs support.

Want to fast track expert insight

The learning curve as a new business owner has been sharp, and you need a guide to help you see around the bend.

Struggle with confidence in the next steps

You’ve poured your all into what you do. Now, you need an outside eye to take a critical look and validate what’ll be useful next.

Level up & buckle down

Together, we’ll reverse engineer what makes sense for your business and your goals. Consulting that’s a custom fit.

Get from A to Z with efficiency

Results build confidence. Confidence builds momentum. Momentum builds consistency. You’ll receive practical and operational tools to support your success.

A relationship to rely on

A trusted inner circle for your entrepreneurship. No stupid questions along with a kind and gentle space to unpack ideas and iterate towards success.

Let’s get down to business. Ready to unpack and keep it real?

I've seen the backend of over 200+ businesses in over 35 industries. I’ve supported multi-million dollar businesses, multi-passionate entrepreneurs, and brand new business owners.

will you be next?

What's included:


Through bi-weekly 60 min zoom calls, I’ll support your business and your goals. Offline, you’ll receive daily support through Voxer, my preferred app for messaging and voice texting.

3 months of 1:1 consulting


After getting detailed insight from you via an onboarding questionnaire and your first call, we’ll build out a custom action plan for what we'll focus on over the 3-month period.

Custom action plan


You’ll receive a dashboard with resources, tasks, feedback opportunities and a place to track all of our meeting notes and goals together.

Dashboard of resources

3 monthly payments of $800

your investment:

Marketing Tools · Tactics & Strategy · Client Experience · Daily Operations · Setting Boundaries · Sales Advice · Growth Strategy · Healthy Business Mindset · Hands-On Help with Funnels · Creating Offers · Creating Assets · CRMs · Copywriting · Website Development · Networking Strategies

Consulting can include (but isn’t limited to):


CLIENT WINS & 💡 moments

Hi I'm Taylor.
Your business wing woman.

After scaling my own six figure VA business, I kept feeling the need to think bigger with my services. You begged for support as your businesses grew, I created it. Combined with my 10+ years of communications & marketing experience, I’ve seen BTS of just about every type of online entrepreneur and know that what serves you from A to B won’t boost you from B to C in business goals.


"Everything feels more clear after working with Taylor.

I really wanted a coach/consultant that I felt really cared about me and what I was trying to do. Now, I've launched my website with my new offers, and I am finally confident in what I am offering to the wedding creative world!  Taylor's insight and kindness are so needed in this world! She has such a unique perspective and journey that makes learning from her so easy and fun. She really made me feel valued as a client."

– barmel lyons, realtor & educator

"This mentorship has been essential in identifying holes and filling them to better serve my community.

10/10 highly recommend!! She is consistent, patient, kind, resourceful and goes above and beyond to make sure each 60-min. call is jam-packed. The steps curated on call to reach over all goals with deadlines were beyond helpful. She truly helped me align and start thinking deeper about my business backend and how to connect with my leads online to convert them to sales.

I have answers

Who wouldn’t benefit from this mentorship?

This isn’t a fit for established business owners with high-level teams, agency-style businesses, or those who have been in business 3+ years. I specialize in supporting solo entrepreneurs and those who are new(er) to being self employed.

What’s out of scope with this business mentorship?

High-level support & strategy on team building, paid advertising, SEO, e-commerce strategy, and financial advice/decisions.

I don’t feel like I have anyone supporting me in the online business space. Is this a good fit? 

When I was a new entrepreneur, I felt the exact same way! One of the reasons I offer mentorship is so you have someone you can connect with who can offer honest feedback and accountability in a way that bolsters your success. 

I'm at a point where I genuinely don’t know how to flesh out my skills into services and offers that actually sell. S.O.S.

Apply now, I’ve got you. Packaging up your services is one of my areas I specialize in. I know how to sprinkle in elements of sales psychology and common sense for people who need what you have. Plus, I’ve seen what creates success for over 200+ businesses, and I’ve abstracted concepts that work. Just let me hand them to you.

New business owner here, I started my business because I feel SO passionate about what I do. But now I’m truly just swamped with backend random shit, my inbox, and so many random freaking tasks! I’m pretty overwhelmed at figuring out how to grow. There seem to be a million options in all sorts of different directions. Can you help me make sense of information overwhelm?

A: Yes. I can help guide you with a custom plan based on your goals to keep your business operating successfully. Sure, you can sort through all the options, advice, and strategy out there by yourself. Or you can fast track the process with custom insight into what works for your business, your personality, and your resources. I’m here to help you decipher what makes sense for the season you're in. (And what will bring success!) 

With deep experience in nurturing profitable, small businesses, I've got the tools to distill your brainstorm into a clear and profitable path forward.

Save the googling for the holiday recipes.
I'll share my experience and resources, so you don't have to reinvent the wheel.

1:1 business mentorship APPLICATION

Thank you for your interest in my 1:1 business mentorship program.

Fill out the form below to submit your details. I aim to respond to all inquiries within 24 business hours!